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Exoskeleton for Manual Handling of Industrial Loads Assistance

Project Objectives

The MMC EXOS project aims to address the issues related to biomechanical overload during manual load handling. This overload often leads to musculoskeletal disorders among workers, resulting in a negative impact on quality of life and work capacity. The goal is to develop a wearable robotic device, in the form of an exoskeleton, to support load handling, reduce ergonomic risks, and improve workplace safety.

Technical Features

MMC EXOS employs innovative actuation techniques, protected by patents, to achieve the necessary performance requirements for supporting the handling of loads up to 40 kg. The solutions adopted allow the device to be used in a wide range of sectors, including automotive, naval, logistics, construction, metallurgy, and healthcare. MMC EXOS is designed to offer:

  • High ergonomic standards for operators
  • Reduced risk of biomechanical overload
  • Operational support with a positive impact on worker safety and health